Dear Readers,

I have a fun story to share with you today…

We know that you know the power that is contained within a simple blessing. Many of you have purchased the Trinity of Blessings from me and learned how to incorporate the art and power of blessing in your daily life.

But now I wish to share with you an experience I had on Sunday…. Daniela and myself decided to try our hand at blessing Mother Earth and all her Kingdoms, just out of pure curiosity to see how the energy would feel. We did it out of pure curiosity to test the waters, to see what else is possible I guess…. And WOW is all I can say! I have never in my life ever experienced so much energy moving in and through me in those 50 minutes!

My frequency soared, I felt so much heat, my whole body was tingling, from the tips of my toes up to the roots of my hair! I felt the energy come in through my crown, I felt it in my pineal gland, and all throughout my body, moving through the meridians, through the lymph nodes and I felt the energy moving down through my feet into the earth below. I felt myself held by an inner power so strong that I had to just let go and move with the energy.

So there I was sitting on my bed in Cape Town, South Africa and Daniela sitting on hers in Berlin, both of us repeating this mantra, and becoming stronger and stronger with each breath. We were so blown away by the power of it that we have decided to include the practice in our Full Moon Workshop this Saturday (for about 20 mins).

I’m told by the Masters that the energy we felt was super strong because of the momentum we had built between the two of us. There is power in numbers too!

After 50 minutes I heard one of the Masters teasing us, “You two certainly know how to get our attention!” I felt their joy and couldn’t stop myself from laughing as well. I had tears of joy streaming down my cheeks as they had me bent over double with merriment! Oh my Lord what FUN this is!!

This raise in frequency called the Ascension, can be quite fun if only we would let go of our seriousness as a human species! Learn to have some FUN!

Spring is a fun time here for us here in the Southern Hemisphere! It is a JOY to see the little faces of the flowers as they bloom into LIFE! This is the JOY of the Resurrection in action!

We wish you the most magical of days in this September as we celebrate the JOYS of Spring in the South and Autumn or Fall in the North!

We love you so very much! And in the words of our blessed Ascended Masters, “We commend you for the work you are doing in raising the Light quotient here on Earth. We wish for you to know, we are with you all the way.”


~ Deborah Faith

Note: If you would like to share this message, you do so with our blessing, but please do not change anything. We ask also that you please include the following links:

Ask Archangel Michael a Question

Twin Flame/Ray Energy Readings

Trinity Of Blessings Attunement