I am writing this on Saturday, the day of the full moon, and the energies are so strong that I haven’t been able to eat much today and bed seems like the best place to be because I am very tired. He knows I am tired and he tells me he is tired too. I think he is joking with me, but he tells me no, he is also a little tired, because I am. He feels my impatience, and he also wants this transition over and done with so we can get on with our life together. He now tells me that even though it seems we have been doing this forever, it is only a very tiny interlude in the grand scheme of things. He says we will soon see the benefit of our Earthly incarnation, and realize that it has made us stronger. I tell him, “We were strong to begin with”, and he says “Yes we were, but we are even stronger now.”

“Who named me Faith?” I ask him.

“I did”, he says.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because you embody faith. You hold this quality within you. It was meant to be this way.” He tells me.

“I don’t feel like I have any today…” I tell him, and he replies, “It’s okay, I have enough for the both of us.”

“I told you once that when Creator brought you to me many, many eons ago, long before this planet and Galaxy was made into being, that He told me I was to love and cherish you and protect you, as you were a precious gift He had created especially for me. You were to be my companion and partner, the perfect complement to my existence. He told me that I would learn from you, because He had made you very wise. He said that you would cause me to know my true strength and that you would teach me courage, and he was right. You have done that over and over, many times, especially during this incarnation. I told you also once that we have never before been separated and forgotten each other, until this Earthly incarnation began, and it has been a challenge that neither of us could have foreseen in its entirety. You asked me if we are the only ones that feel this way, and I said no, there are others too that feel the same. Never before have Souls experienced such forgetfulness and such denseness of energy. And never before has there been so much absence of the Light experienced. But we shall take what we have learned from our Earthly experience and focus on the good that has come out of it. We now know the extent to which we are capable of becoming in the absence of Light, and none of us ever wish to experience that ever again. The memories will forever be there, available to new Souls who wish to learn from what we have experienced. What we need to focus on now in this moment, is that we have learned that we are stronger than we ever thought possible, and also that love is the ultimate gift, more precious than we ever could have realized.”

“I know, I can feel a little of the love that you feel now, and I have no idea how I have been able to exist without it. When I let my mind take me out of my heart, and I allow negative thoughts to take me away from you, it feels terrible!“

“I know Beloved. I feel it too.”

“Guess what?’ I ask him.

He grins at me “You’re a little hungry. You want to eat?”

“Yes I am feeling a little hungry! Now I can eat some of that soup I made earlier.” He knows I love to eat and he knows that eating has been one of my pleasures during this Earth journey. I have been teasing him and telling him that the transition is taking away my pleasure!

“You will have many more pleasures to replace your love of food my little Pumpkin, you’ll see!”

“I know, I can’t wait!”

The other day I told him I can’t wait to go for another spin in my Merk…. He said “Beloved, you will be spinning all over this Planet and Universe very soon! Stick with me! Stay in your heart. I plan on taking you places you didn’t even know existed!”

I smile now, and I feel him smiling also. He is so happy, and I am too. We may be still separated in frequency, but we will never again be separated in spirit. We are One, and shall Forever BE.

We leave you with our absolute Love and wish you the most Magical of days!


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