What exactly does it mean to be transparent? My thesaurus says ‘see through, clear, translucent, crystal clear, visible etc.’

We are living in the Age of Transparency; a new age – the Golden Era – and there is nowhere to hide. Not that there even was….. you only thought there was! So if you’re continuing to kid yourself that you can go on having your secrets and hide yourself from your Self and others then you’re thinking with your ego mind. Your higher mind knows, it has nothing to hide. There are no secrets in the Universe.

The letting go of your egoic thoughts and beliefs is like shedding the cloaks you have placed around yourself. You will come to experience this when you start developing a friendship with your higher Self. You will also realize that your higher Self knows all, and has seen all that you are, and have become. At first your ego self will protest at having no privacy, but then you will realize your protesting is futile. You will learn that you have never been judged, nor shall you ever be.

There is no sense in hiding anymore. Come out of the closet. Throw away the cloaks. Throw away the make-up! You no longer need it. Learn to bare all! There is nothing to be afraid of; nothing to fear. Feel the love all around you. It is there for you. You only have to go into your heart to feel it.

One day you will look back at the choices you have made in this lifetime and you will be mortified by some of them, and amused by others. You will laugh at yourself for thinking you could hide from your Self. Transition is a shift in consciousness from the ego / fear based thinking you were separate from your Self to knowing that you are not separate and never were.

It is time now to become crystal clear on who you really are, and to know that sooner or later, everything you thought was a secret, never was. The truth has a way of ‘coming out’. It cannot be hidden because the very nature of Truth is freedom. So become FREE!

Have a blessed and happy Sunday everyone!


Un-copywrited. If you would like to share this message, you do so with my blessing. I ask only that you include a link back to my sites: https://www.archangelsanddevas.com and http://www.newparadigmreiki.com