Beloved Readers,

Happy 2020! And also Happy 1st Full Moon of this 3rd decade, in which we also enjoy our first lunar eclipse! I do hope you are enjoying these fast-paced energies!

The core message I have for you comes guided from within my own I AM God Presence:

Let go! Let go! Let go! There is no more place for fear! Stay focused within your Core Power, your own individualized I God AM Presence, because this is the only Source of lasting peace of mind you will find during this time.

With so much discord erupting around that Planet this is not a time to be in fear. Nor is it the time to be sitting on the sidelines wondering what to do and which way to turn. Remember fear and uncertainly is born of the ego-drive, as Jesus says in the Christ Letters.

BE happy! Focus on what brings you joy! Step out of the human conditioning and into BEing your authentic Self.

This is a message we have been hearing over and over again for the past decade. Never before has it been more important for us to cultivate this inner relationship to our authentic Being. There truly is no need to fear. Trust that everything is as it should be. This is not a world of willy-nilly chaos, although it may seem that way when viewed through the eyes of ego. There is purpose to all things. Trust that.

We say “stay focused within your inner Being at all times”. This does not mean we have to be in meditation 24/7. It means we must be AWARE of who we are at all times, and not allow ourselves to be dragged into any unfolding drama.

It is quite possible to maintain awareness of our higher consciousness whilst doing mundane things during our day. If we do this our day will go a whole lot smoother and chances are we will feel a whole lot more peace and contentment in our life.

Keep affirming in the positive and keep sending out tsunami waves of unconditional love to everything and everyone on the Earth. What we send out comes back to us. Its fundamental law.

We can ask our Higher Power to help us remain in its Radiance – and to remind us to return if we should move outside of its glorious Light. We will know immediately when we have moved away because we will start to feel unhinged. Like a ship without anchor.

Beloveds, I leave you with my absolute love and blessing and wish you the very best for this new year and this new unfolding decade in time! This is a new wave of ascension we are embarking upon and there truly is no more ‘time’ left to remain unhinged, so to speak!

The time IS NOW!

BE Present, BE The Light!And know that you are God Sovereign and Free. I love you!


~ Deborah Faith 💗