Dear Readers,

Spring has finally arrived here in the Southern tip of Africa! So much has happened since the powerful Equinox last week and the transformative energies of that alignment are still in progress, and for some of you that may mean a “churning up of old energies” that no longer are relevant to where you are going and who you are becoming in this new reality we are in the process of creating.

Please remember to take it easy, to have compassion for yourself, and to see yourself always through the eyes of LOVE. This is the way your Creator sees you and the way you should see yourself also. Remember there is no such thing as imperfection!

Just a gentle reminder to book your seat for our 5D Workshop tomorrow where we will be going into the roots of your creation and discovering WHO WE ARE are non-physical beings in physical form.

The workshop is set to cover the following topics:

  • You will learn how to connect with your I AM Presence in meditation;
  • You will learn how to tap into the Power and Potential of your I AM Presence to:
    • Step into the reality of who you truly are;
    • Step out of illusion (fear) and into Love;
    • Protect your Energy and use it wisely through understanding of the Law of Circles;
    • Bring the lower 4 bodies into alignment through the use of the Violet and Crystal Flames;
    • Tap into the Gifts of your Causal Body;
    • The Art of Manifesting in this New Reality of awakening Consciousness known as Ascension;
    • Step into Prosperity Consciousness and out of scarcity and lack;
    • Step into Alchemy – the Magic of Life.

In closing we will be guided into a meditative journey through our Pleiadian Star Sisters

I am super excited about this workshop and I do hope you will join us tomorrow as we go on this journey of discovery!

Please book your seat here for the live workshop

If you can’t attend the live workshop then you can order the recording also for just $11, which includes the eBook which you will receive in PDF format.

 Beloveds, keep LOVE in your hearts always!


~ Deborah Faith

Note: If you would like to share this message, you do so with our blessing, but please do not change anything. We ask also that you please include the following links:

Ask Archangel Michael

Twin Flame / Twin Ray Readings

Trinity Of Blessings Attunement