Greetings Beloveds! It is I, Michael and with me is my Beloved Twin Flame Mikaela. We bring forth a message for you at this very important time in the hope that it will help you fulfil all your desires in the New Year of 2019.

Beloveds, as we near the ending of 2018, and pass through the Solstice gateway, the powerful cleansing energies of the waxing Full Moon are assisting you in clearing all the dross that may be arising into your awareness. Know that this is perfect! Because it means that these unwanted energies are there, hovering in the background of your consciousness waiting to be triggered to the surface in order for you to become aware of it. So if people in your circle of friends, or family members, colleagues etc., are pushing your buttons so to speak, be in gratitude that they are triggering these unwanted emotions and bringing them into your awareness. Then call in the power of love and forgiveness, for yourself and others, who have played their part in your journey to Wholeness.

The Divine Spirit will always, through whatever means necessary, bring into your awareness all that no longer holds any relevance or significance in your life-stream.

When releasing these energies Dear One’s, make it your intention to release and let go of them in all their forms of creation, in all aspects, and in all dimensions of your reality. In this you are releasing them from your entire Group Soul Body.

Beloveds, there is purpose in all things! In every occurrence, every situation and every circumstance. Therefore judge not what befalls your path for you cannot know its purpose, just as you cannot know what is in the heart of another. That is the work of the Divine beloveds. Just as you cannot, at this time, perceive the full canvas of the artwork you are creating. That too, is the work of the Divine.

We want to stress how important it is for you right now to let go of all that grieves you Beloveds. Bearing old energies and unhealed wounds serves naught except to weight you down, and thus anchor you into the old 3D grid. You can only know freedom and a lightness of Spirit once you have cleared all that you agreed to clear in that old karmic timeline.

2019 is the year that will unfold parts of your canvas – your Divine Inheritance or Blueprint, as it’s been called, before you. You will be amazed at what unfolds. At what you have created! We urge you to stay steadfast in your hearts, and to form an even deeper alliance with your Beloved I AM Presence. The more anchored you are in your Hearts, the easier it will be for you to navigate this leg of your journey.

The Numerical Significance of 2019

2019 is numerically a number 12 year which adds up to the number 3 – the Trinity or Triune. There is tremendous significance in this. It represents the Holy Trinity – the (W)holistic and alchemical marriage, the merging of the 3 cornerstone energies of Creation. Once fully recognized (re-cog-nized), these energies will catapult you into next phase of your Spiritual evolution or ascension.

In January you are going to experience the opening of the 12.1.12 gateway, the kick-off point in 2019, in which the Earth will be flooded with a higher frequency of incoming Diamond Light codes which will continue to escalate in intensity throughout the remainder of the New Year, and will finally culminate with the opening of the 12.12.12 gateway in December of 2019, which signifies the beginning of a brand NEW PHASE in your ascension process.

The numbers 12.12.12 numerically add up to the number 36, which equals the number 9 beloveds, and this very powerful number holds the frequency of enlightenment – the end of one phase and beginning of another.

So do you see why it is so important to let go of all the human mis-creations of the ego mind that are no longer serving you? These energies, and only these energies, are all that stands in your way of the unfolding of this new reality before you.

We guide you into forming a deeper alignment with your I AM Presence beloveds. Your I AM is there to assist you on every level of your being, and will guide you lovingly Home. Remain focused in your Heart so as to constantly BE aware of this Sacred Union. Your I AM has the power to instantly transform any negative into a positive.

For instance you may be feeling sadness or loneliness, and instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you make the choice to tune into your Heart and your I AM. You chant the words, “I AM THAT I AM”, and repeat to yourself, “ I open my heart in love and gratitude NOW!” Your I AM cannot help but respond beloveds! It will instantly fill you with its love, its mercy and compassion, and you will within a few moments feel transformed.

There is great love for you here Beloveds. We urge you to tune into it, just as you would consciously tune your TV or radio into a specific station or frequency, so must you tune your energy into the frequency of the I AM, and the boundless and endless Love that awaits you.

We are here for you, as always. And we wish for you to know we are ever near, only a thought away. We love you more than you can ever know or comprehend at this time, and we honor your continued contribution to the Spiritual awakening of humanity and the ascension and evolution of Lady Gaia (Virgo).

We are Michael and Mikaela,

At your service.


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