Take a leap in Faith this Equinox!

Beloved Readers,

I have been marveling at how REAL home feels to me now, and how real the presence of Michael and even Jeshua feels for me. Jeshua, as you know, crept into my heart… They’re not called ‘The Brotherhood’ for nothing…

The feeling of coming home is just like in the story of the prodigal son returning home from his long journey away someplace out there. Perhaps he was hoping to find himself, and carve out a groove for himself ‘out there’ in the big old world, only to find himself being drawn back home. The closer to home he gets, the more he remembers his brothers and sisters, and other members of his family as they filter into his awareness and mindfulness.

This story is similar to what occurs within us as we grow more in alignment with our heart-based way of living. We begin to develop a closeness we hadn’t felt before, a kind of kin-ship, which is at first unexplainable, since we do not fully remember, not consciously anyway, but at some other level – inner level or dimension – we do remember. We’re remembering perfectly our divine relationship with those who have been looking out for us all this time from the realm of the unseen, the realm of Spirit.

We are now in a space of remembering and becoming cognizant (re-cognizing) of our multi-dimensional personality. You may think that the personality ends with the 3rd dimension, but that is a mistaken belief. The physical realm and personality, and to a certain extent ego – because the ego is largely the personality – extends beyond the density of the 3rd dimension.

This may put your mind at rest because it means you are not going to disappear into the ethers of nothingness upon your ascension from this dense physical realm! It means you are going to be able to enjoy physicality and personality at a heightened and enlightened level! A more conscious level, where you will enjoy the experience of yourself as a conscious creator, in tune with the pulse of ALL Creation around you! How exciting is that?? Something to look forward to, yes?

This year of 2018 for me was the year of ‘Luminosity’ where light was shed on the subject of my being-ness to reveal the true nature (essence) of who I am. This year, I’m sure, has have been different for each one of you, since no two of us are the same nor do we experience life in exactly the same way. So please be aware that what I (we) write is what is true for us, and our experience (model) of the world. And truly the luminosity has revealed layers to us we had no idea even existed!

So what this means is that we are all changing, and since change is the only constant, there is no getting away from this, and why would we want to anyway? We are always on the move and The Great Mover – or Great Spirit that moves us, would have it no other way! For how else would She experience all there is to experience if everything always remained the same?

The great KEY to this enlightened existence is to LET GO and allow the path of least resistance to be revealed before you and to TRUST that the Great Mover knows the way. All you need to do is be open to the surprise! Goodness knows, life is meant to be FULL of enjoyment and surprise is part of that package deal.

There is no need to look forward into your future with trepidation and anxiety. This is the message that is coming through loud and clear for me these days. To BE in the eye of the storm rather than in the midst of it is the answer to inner peace and harmony.

Remain in your heart centered-ness where you can FEEL the closeness of your brothers and sisters who are eager and welcoming you back home into the arms of your loving and supportive family of Light.

There is a great shift taking place now and your inner-centeredness will make a huge difference in how you experience this shift.

In 2019 – the Year of Re-unification – we are looking forward to experiencing being reunited with our Light family. This is the part where the Feast of Celebration is prepared in honor of the prodigal son returning home.

What this means also is that since everything is always changing that the home you left long ago is no more. It too has changed, and therefore there will be new and exciting experiences waiting for you!
This is the ultimate! Creation is always expanding and expounding Itself into new and wondrous ways of being. What incredible and complex beings we are! How much we have misunderstood about ourselves… It’s no wonder that there comes a point in this transition where we look back and wonder, “Who is that person I was 20 years ago…?”

Again, there is nothing to fear except fear itself! Let go of the reins and let the Great Mover move you beyond all fear.

As always, you have our unconditional love and gratitude for being here with us on this journey to enlightenment.

We do hope that those of you who elected to receive the FREEBIES offered last weekend enjoyed the guidance passed along to you from Archangel Michael and his legions of Light!

We leave you with glad tidings of Infinite Love, Light & Joy!
Deborah Faith


Note: If you would like to share this message, you do so with our blessing, but please do not change anything. We ask also that you please include the following links:

Ask Archangel Michael

Point of Power