First contact is imminent. But first contact can only happen once disclosure has taken place. This is what my guides are telling me.

Critical mass will provide the propulsion for this to happen on a global level. My guides explain what this means in more detail.

The word ‘Disclosure’ means to unveil, reveal, expose, release or divulge.

For those who are awakened and have embarked upon an initiation process for Ascension, disclosure is about unveiling your own personal untruths that you have bought into and made a part of your belief system over multiple lifetimes. It is this untruth that caused the veil to descend over your being.

This Veil is the veil that has kept you from knowing your true selves, that has kept you in fear and limitation and separation consciousness, which has manifest pain and suffering for humanity for eons of time.

This unveiling or renting of the veil has to happen on a personal level before it can outwardly manifest in your world on a global level and in your governments. As Adama has said, the consciousness of the people (and a country) is reflected in their government. So it makes sense that first the unveiling has to occur on a personal level which is happening now at an alarming rate.

My guides show me an image now of the old wringers our grandma ‘s used in a bygone era to wring out their wet laundry. Has a similarity don’t you think to what is happening now within us? We are being squeezed to the nth degree to let go of all the old nonsensical rubbish, garbage, baggage etc., we’ve been dragging around through from one lifetime to the next. And it’s great that this garbage is coming to the surface for clearing, because in order for optimal absorption and integration of this Solstice energy to occur, we have to be as clean and clear as we possibly can!

The metaphor of the dirty laundry comes to mind now. Ultimately all truth has to come out. It’s just the way it works. Truth has a way of coming out, of surfacing, no matter what. No one can resist this happening, both on a personal or global level. Resistance only makes it more challenging, and resistance is bound to occur because the subconscious mind is still wanting to retain some level of control and therefore hang onto it’s old belief structures. And this is true also of present world governments.

So when resistance is encountered within your body system, speak to the resistance and indicate that there are new belief structures available to you that are more empowering, which you are now choosing to adopt.

Once you are at a level sufficiently clear enough to break through the remnants of your own personal veil, you will stand free for the first time, face to face with your True Self. This is first contact. This is the first time you will lay your physical eyes upon  your True Self in full conscious awareness.

These are indeed exciting times! My guides have also said that this year is the year of illumination ~ where Light shall be cast where there was no Light before!

So once again, let me leave you with some words of encouragement. For every one of you here incarnate, two of you were turned away and asked to wait their turn. Meaning you had the luck of the draw! There is a specific reason why you are here now and this involves utilizing the unique gifts you have brought with you to share.

My guides ask that you TRUST the process and the Divinity within you for making this journey possible for you at this time!

Wishing you infinite LOVE, JOY and PEACE!


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