Sunday Message ~ Become Cognizant of the Law of Love

One could say that God is addicted to Love because it is through Love, and the expression thereof through your consistent blessing and outpouring of Love to everything and everyone, that God’s and your desires are fulfilled!

It is only when you act in opposition to this Law that you attract discord into your life experience. The Law of Love is the same for everyone.

One of the toughest breakthrough’s we have to make as humans is to overcome the desires of the ego, or the personality associated with all things physical. If you can place all your focus on one thing and one thing only, then let that one thing be Love.


All else is folly!

Act in Love, think thoughts of Love and speak only that which is spoken in Love. Kindness and compassion cost nothing, and Love is their priceless companion. Let your focus always be in your Heart and let your God Self become a living breathing Presence in your life, and your Way forward will become filled with God’s richest blessings for you, for it can be no other way.

The simple Law of Love commands that when Love is expressed, Love is also attracted back to One’s Self. And since God is Perfect Love, and Love is All There Is, it stands to reason that there is nothing that is not Love. And therefore when you express Love and live within the Law of Love, there is nothing that can ever stand in your Way of manifesting Love in your Life.

One more thing…everything is of God. Everything. So when God showers you with His Blessings of Love, do you think it’s possible that miracles may also occur? What comes to mind is the way Jesus fed the multitudes with 2 fish and a few loaves of bread. Such things are only possible when One lives in one’s Heart and allows the Flame of God’s Love to become a roaring Fire in the Heart of One’s Being.

Anything is possible when Love leads the Way.  Let your Heart govern every action you take, every word you speak and every thought you send out into the ethers, for they are creative and hold the Essence of God’s Love for you.

Be aware of how you’re qualifying this precious energy in every moment. It is through becoming cognizant that you step into the shoes of your God Self and your power as a multi-dimensional Being.

Namasté ~ We love you!

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