Dear Readers,

I found this Image courtesy of Pixabay. The Heart is like this little chapel, filled with the warmth of the Light in an otherwise cold and unrelenting world.

I have just completed an email channeling for a precious Soul and I am so overfilled, overflowing with the BLISS of this experience that I cannot contain my Self! I feel as though my heart will burst! Words cannot begin to describe the bliss of this experience, the love that flows from within me is absolutely and completely Divine!

As our Beloved Brother Adama says, Divine Love is a few million times more powerful than human love…

This was a particularly ‘difficult’ channeling in that the questions were challenging to my ego which I had to nudge out of the way in order to allow the answers to flow into my awareness, but as always Michael steps closer and helps me to achieve this.

I would like to share some of this channeling with you. In answer to the question, “Archangel Michael do you consider yourself or other angels an Annunaki force?”

This the answer received:

I AM That which cannot be named. I AM That which cannot be defined. I AM The Power presented in the highest credence of Love and Wisdom. I stand before you as a representative of The Most High, with the Highest and Purest Love and intention held in my Heart to serve you to the best degree that is available for you now in this instance, and in this expression of your Totality.

After the channeling I heard the song “I am who you say I am” playing in my head! Michael also told me that everyone sees the world through their unique lens, and no two lenses are alike. That doesn’t mean that one lens is wrong and the other is right. It just means that everyone has their own version of uniqueness and what is represented to them at the time as their Truth. To find your own Truth, one has to go within. 🙂

The Power of Michael astounds me, his Grace is profound, and his Love is indescribable. The other day someone shared their concerns with me that I am placing Michael over Jesus and that Jesus is the only Way to God. This is the dogma the churches teach, but what I FEEL within the very depths of my heart is that all roads lead Home. All dogma is transcended. All is Love! I adore Jesus and Michael, and all Master Beings of Light who walk with me. Can they be defined? In my experience the answer would be No, because at that profound level of Being, ALL IS LOVE! I finally understand what God said in the CWG books when He spoke about “the ISNESS”.


St. Germain urges us to take time out of our busy lives to contemplate the Nature of God…. I challenge you to do this today!

Switch off the TV – throw it out if you can, it can never even begin to fulfill you the way Divine Love can. Throw out your newspapers, throw out all the garbage that fills your precious mind with non-sense. If you only knew what awaits you, what bliss lies on the other side of fear, you would not hesitate for one second. Pursue Divine Love with fervor, and allow that Flame to burst forth and become a raging Flame 9 feet tall!

What I know for sure is that when you take a step forward into the unknown part of your Self, that part of You steps forward into your shoes and walks with you through Life, and it doesn’t matter where you are and in what circumstances you find yourself, everything becomes doable and viable, and limitations are exceeded, walls come down, mountains are moved and freedom is found!

Fly FREE! Know you are a Child of God.

I Love You!



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