When you’re faced with overcoming difficulties in your life it’s because Spirit wants you to expand your heart, to feel more love and compassion, not only for yourself but for others who are also going through their own difficulties.

Too often we forget these ‘others’ and focus only on our own difficulties, and we forget that we are in this boat together. All of us, every single one of us who embarked upon this Earth journey did so in order to help each other. We love each other so much that we would not allow the ‘other’ to separate from us to do it alone, so we opted to go along to help each other. But then we forgot our true purpose for being here. We forgot we are not separate from each other. We forgot we belong to One Body of absolute unconditional Perfect Love.

When you can open your heart to the magnificent Perfect Love that you are, then all is healed and difficulties become a thing of the past because you know without a shadow of a doubt that difficulties are just opportunities in disguise. They are opportunities to know your Self as Perfect Love!

When you express the love that you are, even if it’s just a loving thought or a smile for a perfect stranger, your heart expands and all your difficulties melt away into insignificance. Decide today to make a loving difference in another’s life and you will begin to manifest miracles in yours!

So when life throws you a curve ball, reach out and grab it with both hands because it’s a blessing in disguise. It always works out in your favor in the end.

We love you and are here to support you every step of the way!


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