Let us just say before we get started on the energies. The word “Transformation” more accurately describes what is happening now. You’re all ascended beings, every single one of you. You are in a process of transforming your current physical earth form from one that is carbon based to a crystalline based light form. You need a light form (a Light Body) in order to hold more Light which is a higher density energy. In this process you are merging your lower consciousness with your Higher Consciousness whilst still in physical form. This has rarely been done until now.

Transformation always starts in your heart chakra then moves down into your solar plexus and then your sacral and it is there that you are having to deal with your power issues and sexual taboos. This is where you are now with the current energies, all the while still dealing with your survival issues that are still prevalent in your root chakra. This is unleashing a lot of fear energy.  So you may find yourself going down into the underworld (the collective unconscious) and being stripped bare naked a number of times. Remember we are not transmuting fear just for ourselves. There is no ‘me, or ‘my’ or ‘mine’ anymore. We are working as a Collective Consciousness. We always have been! You just haven’t been aware of this. And the Collective is not just in Human form, it is also made up of all the other kingdoms that exist here, namely Animal, Plant, Insect to name a few. It is not just humans that experience fear. Luckily you are more in your core power now than ever before, so it’s becoming easier to rise up from the flames of the underworld and rebirth yourself. Think of the Phoenix bird. Each time you’re stronger than before.

Also, the more you merge with your Higher Consciousness, the more you’re releasing for the Collective. Don’t let this make you sigh….. you are stronger now, and getting stronger by the day. This is what you signed up for! You are powerful now, so start to utilize that power.

The blue full moon set us once more on a powerful path of releasing, so we’re still in the process of being stripped naked but the good news is that come Sunday when the new moon arrives we’ll be all skinny and bare and ready to take on the powerful Eclipse energy which is already being felt by most of you. This partial Solar Eclipse, a powerful masculine solar energy, and the creative Fire element, is there urging you to go deeper still, to let go, to relinquish control and to burn off that which you’ve been hiding from, covering up etc. You don’t need your suite of armor anymore, you’re safe. You don’t need to worry about your survival anymore. Your survival is guaranteed. This is what he’s telling you. You can stand in your power now, it’s okay, I’ve got your back, I’m behind you, and if necessary I will carry you. The new world we’re creating, this new reality, doesn’t have the patriarchy anymore. We’re standing together now, side by side, Masculine and Feminine, Co-creators once more. And doesn’t that feel great?? Finally we’re working together again as One Unity Consciousness.

The second Eclipse, the total lunar Eclipse with the final of the Blood full Moon’s on Sep 28 will assist to bring the Feminine energy further into alignment within ourselves. She will help us to stand in our power together with the Masculine. This is a powerful alignment we’re heading towards now and one that will help many of us move further into alignment with our Feminine and Masculine aspect and energy.  When we’re in alignment we become powerful Co-creators and our sexual energy is a powerful creative force of energy. All of this is only possible once you have transcended (risen above) your ego (the physical aspect of yourself) and it’s need for control. When you can reach orgasm without physically touching yourself then you will have overcome the ego’s need to be in control. Remember we have said that you are sexual beings and your sexual energy, your Kundalini, plays a powerful part in your transformation. You will not be in full alignment with your Source energy until you relinquish that control. It is impossible. There is no me and mine anymore. We are working with our Feminine and Masculine energy as Co-creator Beings of the Light. We stand together in One Unity Consciousness, and this is where we get to REAL’ize (make real) our True Power! This is where we are headed now and the Eclipse energies along with the Equinox and the final Blood Full Moon is going to boost us forth into a new way of Being.

There is much to look forward to now. We urge you to stay in your Hearts Beloveds.

We leave you with our Love and Blessing for a blissful day!


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