Living in the 5th dimension is awesome. You will experience more love, joy and peace than you ever thought possible.  Your heart will expand till it feels like it will burst. There are moments of pure bliss.  Days even,  but know that this is just the beginning. It’s the first step on your journey home.

Home is Love. You ARE Love. You are returning TO Love.

Do not think that when you’re living in the 5th you’re done releasing. In fact you’re releasing even more than before because the higher frequency energy you’re now integrating is going deeper and deeper into your recesses of your memory banks and sub-conscious mind and clearing out everything there that is not love; everything that does not resonate with this higher frequency of Love you’re integrating.

You could call this “Mind Fung Shui” if you like.

If you’re asking “How do I get into the 4 and 5th?” Once more, I will tell you:

Get out of your mind and into your heart.
Stop thinking and start loving.
First and foremost, start by loving yourself. Unconditionally.


This is the Great Paradox. When you can understand this, you will be halfway there.

The Seeker, like the headless chicken, cannot see where it’s going.. The Seeker is constantly asking questions, seeking answers outside of itself.

Once more I will tell you. There exists NOTHING, NO THING outside of YOU. YOU are your own Universe.

The 5th Dimension exists WITHIN YOU!

Go Within or go without.

Meditate on this. There in your heart you will find the answers, no where else.

Love will lead you home. Love is the way. There is no other way.

When you understand this, you will no longer be the Seeker. You will be the Seer. In Deepak Chopra’s book “Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You Want”, he states it perfectly:

 “With the birth of the Seer, you turn and face the Light. Now self image is seen for what it is, a flimsy projection made real by the ego’s desperate need to place importance on the time-bound mind and body. Instead of seeing yourself as flesh and bones that house a spirit, you realize that everything is spirit. Spirit is a direct experience, but transcends this world. It is pure silence teeming with infinite potential. All questions cease because you find yourself in the womb of reality where everything simply is. When you have no lack to fill, then simply just being here in this body is the highest spiritual goal you could possibly attain.”

A dimension is not a place. It is a higher level of awareness and an increased level of perception. It is a higher state of BE’ing, a higher state of consciousness. The higher you go, the more blissful the experience, and the more blissful your life becomes until you ARE BLISS ‘ed out!

BE Love BE LOVE’ds!

I Love You!


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