One of my favorite past-times lately is to watch the birds as they feed on the berries on the tree next to my window each day. Such a simple pleasure! The tree never seems to run out of berries either. It is a never ending source of abundance, just like the Universe.

Those of you who know me personally know that I am non-denominational. My religion (faith/ belief/creed/conviction) is Love and the love of which I speak is Unconditional Divine Love, something that cannot be defined because it is infinite by its very nature. The word ‘Universe’ is a word I use to describe the Source of All That Is which for me represents everything – The Light – The Creator – Supreme Consciousness – Oneness – The Great I AM – and God.

Have you noticed yet that Light Beings – Beings that exists in the Light (Love) of All That IS – hesitate to define themselves? At least that is my experience. Michael always tells me “We are many things…” and when I ask him what he means by that, he will answer “You will see.”

It is human nature that insists on defining Itself. Unfortunately when you define yourself you tend to try to conform to a set of rules that is dictated by a society that is finite in its thinking and therefore limiting your potential to see and experience yourself as Everything.

Know that it is in the Everything that abundance is found because abundance is limit-less. The Universe knows no bounds and has no boundaries. It is INFINITE – never ending.

Your egoic mind will have you believe that something is finite – meaning there is only so much of it and therefore there is a never enough.

Your heart on the other hand will have you believe the exact opposite.

Imagine if the birds thought that the tree would run out of its berries…

Imagine if we KNEW without a shadow of doubt that there is an infinite source of abundance just waiting for us to grab hold of and bring into our awareness….

There is.

But it takes FAITH and KNOWING that there will always be berries on our Tree of Life. Because the Tree is the INFINITE Source of ALL THAT IS!

Why define yourself when YOU ARE so much more than that? How will you ever know your greatness? Or your true potential?

Something to think about ….

Luckily we have in each precious moment of NOW a NEW opportunity to RE-CREATE ourselves by making NEW choices to match the experiences we wish to en-JOY in Life.

Start today to think of yourself as INFINITE.


Remember this ~ Peace comes from knowing only Love is real. When you love yourself, miracles happen.

I call these miracles The Magic of Life!

Have a wonderful NEW DAY!


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