[Photo credit – Erik Johnson]

On 12.12, by the magic of miracles and Angels, I received a one way ticket back home to Cape Town, South Africa. I leave Mexico City tonight and before the Solstice next Sunday I will be grounding energy with Michael in the Mother City, feeding the leylines that run from Table Mountain up through Africa into the Middle East! Yes, a new chapter indeed.

I will be connecting with the Elementals, sitting on a white beach gazing out at the twinkling deep blue water of the Atlantic Ocean, inhaling the fresh saltiness of the sea air. Instead of sipping margarita’s I’ll be drinking in the Universal Life Force Energy that is all around me. And this is what I want to chat about today – the Universal Life Force Energy that I refer to as Reiki – is the Life Force that permeates every cell of your Being and feeds the neural pathways that interconnect the cellular structure of your physical vessel. Without it you would be Life-less. The story of a wooden boy named Pinocchio comes to mind… Without this Force of Life within, you wouldn’t be able to move a finger.

This Force – or Power – is LOVE. Divine Love. It is what you are, and what everything around you is as well. The human race has been starving itself for so long, it has forgotten what LOVE IS, and how LOVE can TRANSFORM and the MIRACLES LOVE can PERFORM.

Let your new chapter begin now also. Move your BE-ingness from your mind – ego mind – into your Heart and start to LIVE the life you were meant to live. Start BE-ing the powerful and magnificent Spiritual BE-ing that you ARE! BE LOVE. Think LOVE. Speak LOVE.

Love is all there is. It is the stuff of Miracles. The Force of LIFE. It is Life. And it comes from within YOU. Not from anywhere else. Go within Beloved, or go without. It’s that simple.

Enjoy the incoming energies now. They’re feeding you with more of this magnificent POWER of LOVE! ReJOYce in it – bathe in it – breathe it IN. Go withIN. Connect deeply with it. There is no other way Beloveds. It is time NOW, for a new chapter in your life to Begin.

In 2015 Michael and I will be doing online workshops with small groups of people, teaching them exactly how to do this (that is…if you need our help!) We will be helping you overcome the energy blocks that have been preventing you from moving forward into your greatness. Stay tuned for more updates on this new and exciting venture. We are ecstatic about the possibility this will bring!

Let 2015 BE the best year EVER! It all starts with YOU. YOU are your own Universe.

We Bless YOU and LOVE YOU unconditionally and ALL WAYS!


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Open your Heart to your Higher Self and Divine Love: https://www.archangelsanddevas.com/trinity-of-blessings/