Beloved Starseeds, some of you are being challenged right now with your worst fear. We have just experienced our most powerful Full Moon yet and now comes the releasing part. We have expanded so much during her waxing phase, which neatly brought to the surface all the baggage we no longer need on this journey. During the next few days and weeks, as she wanes, we are meant to be releasing the baggage by letting go of all that is NOT LOVE within us. This prepares us for the powerful energies that are forthcoming with the opening of the 12.12 Stargate and the 12.21 Solstice.

Let me share with you what is happening in my life at this time. I am currently experiencing a nasty health challenge. Every year since I arrived in Mexico in 2011, around this time when winter sets in, I get a head cold. I’m not someone who ever gets sick, so you can imagine how much of a challenge this is for me to have to endure. But it has taken me over 3 years now to understand the reason why I keep manifesting this over and over again. It has to do with being able to breathe. Probably this has to do with drowning during the sinking of Atlantis, but I am not looking at the ‘why’s’ right now. I just know without a shadow of doubt that this is why I keep manifesting a head cold that blocks my nasal passages so that I cannot breathe.

A couple nights ago I dreamed that I was in very deep water and I looked up to the surface, so far away. Michael asked me “Are you scared?” and I replied “Yes I am. I cannot breathe.” The next morning as I was wondering about the dream Faith spoke to me. She reminded me that we are not meant to overcome our fears, but rather know that we have the faith, strength and courage to move forward through them. She reminded me that I cannot die, I am an immortal Soul and I have eternal Life.

So my deepest fear has been about survival, even though I know within the depths of my being that death does not exist and that my survival is guaranteed, I am still human and vulnerable to my fear.

Yesterday I asked my Higher Self “Why do I keep manifesting this head cold each year?” and he said “Because you believe you are vulnerable to the pollution around you. You believe it is affecting your ability to breathe.” He has told me over and over again that I am safe, I am protected. But for some reason I still believed the pollution is affecting my health. I was listening to the little voice in my head telling me I am vulnerable, instead of believing Love ( my Heart ) which is telling me I AM SAFE!

Your ego will always lead you into fear, doubt and uncertainty. Love will lead you into safety and peace of mind. Love will never lead you into further into your fears. If you are hearing a little voice in your head telling you things that do not bring you peace, or a sense of being safe, then you are not hearing the voice of Love. Fear will block you from hearing your Heart, but that is why you have a Solar Plexus. Ask yourself what you are feeling there? What is your gut telling you? Does it feel good, or does it feel bad? That is your internal guidance system. Does it bring you a sense of peace, or does it leave you feeling vulnerable and uncertain?

There are two articles I wrote some time ago on the ego to which I will leave links¹ below. They may help you in some way to understand just how powerful your egoic mind can be.

This morning I awoke from a dream about a snake that was threatening to bite me on my right foot. Why my right foot? Because the right side of your body represents the future, and it is with my right foot that I move forward.

Many of us are now moving into what can be termed ‘The great unknown’. We cannot yet fully remember our life before we came here, and our ego will have us fretting about this. But what we do know by now, without a shadow of doubt, is that we ARE LOVE and this is the state of Being that we are moving towards and into. Pure glorious unconditional DIVINE LOVE!

Stay in your Hearts Beloveds and BE centered in the PRESENT. Your ego will have you worrying about your future and wondering about your past. The NOW is where you are creating your next MOMENT. To help you stay in your Heart and in the NOW, practice conscious breathing by taking deep breaths, inhaling THE BREATH OF LIFE in through your Heart and out through your mouth. Affirm I AM LOVE. I AM THAT, I AM.


¹ Links to those two articles:


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