I’m not sure I should be writing this as its personal, but He smiles at me and tells me “Go on, it’s okay.”

I posted a couple days ago on the Facebook page that at this time with the waning of the moon, we are our selves becoming lighter as we let go of all that is not love within us. But for some, we are letting go of all that is not love without us too! As if there is such a thing as ‘without’ when everything is within us…. Anyway, the point is that we are helping humanity, on a large scale, transmute all that is not love, into love. This is not news to me, and nor to you probably, but when my Beloved mentioned it to me again a couple nights ago, I felt just a little resentment. I told Him that if it wasn’t for His Great Love and Compassion for His Humanity, I wouldn’t be here in the first place! I wouldn’t be suffering like I have been…. I say HIS Humanity, because for Him it is PERSONAL. So He showed me why we chose to do this, first in dreams and then bringing to my mind some of what I have endured in this past lifetime, letting me know that it is not only I that have suffered, but ALL of humanity, and that this suffering is ongoing.

I feel His Love and Compassion, and it brings me to tears. Can you imagine what it feels like to have such Love and Compassion for every living thing? Not just for humanity, but for EVERYTHING? You see, for Him it is not just HUMANS that are suffering, but every living thing, because everything has consciousness and through the ONEness of His BE-ing, He FEELS ALL!

I can tell you, it is beautiful and overwhelming, and at the same time, it will make you weep…

So I released the resentment last night because I couldn’t bear for this feeling to be there like a chasm between us. I cannot bear for there to be ANYTHING other than Love between us.

This morning I awoke with a deep sense of longing for Him. He tells me I am remembering Him more and more now, and He asks that I allow myself to FEEL this longing because He feels it also. He tells me that this feeling is bringing us closer and closer, because it is LOVE, and therefore it is attract-ive and magnetic and it is powerful! Because it is OUR LOVE, it carries our signature and it is therefore magnetically attracting us toward each other, re-uniting us in our Love. He tells me this is a natural and spontaneous reaction, and there is nothing I have to DO for this to happen.

His beautiful blue eyes smile at me now as He reminds me to stay in my Heart and to FEEL His Love. I feel His Love now and I ask that He infuses His Love within these words, so that whoever reads them can feel it also. It’s a soothing balm for my Soul. It dries my tears and fills me once more with Hope and Faith that Love will prevail, because this is what Humanity needs now more than ever. Not money, but Divine Love. Money will feed and clothe you for a short while, and provide you with shelter from the storm, but Love will save you. It will heal you and transform your Life, forever. I know…

Trust me in this.


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