We have said before that words are the least favored form of communication for the Soul. The Soul FEELS and doesn’t need words to convey meaning. We have also said before to always use your discernment when reading a message, no matter who the channel is. A channel is a ‘filter’ for a message, and more often than not, is in some way influenced by their ego and their level of consciousness.

We keep reminding you to use your discernment Beloveds! Always use your discernment when reading any message, even this one. Do not let your mind decide for you if the message you are reading resonates with you. For that you need to be in your hearts Dear Ones. Always, your Heart is your Source of Truth. There is where you will find your answers.

You were born with your Truth inside of you, and you have no need to seek elsewhere to find it. Not now, not ever. Remember if it is answers you are needing, then ask yourself “Why do I need to know this?”, and you will find that it is your ego seeking the answers, not your heart. All will be revealed to you in time Beloveds. You are not in a race, you are in a revelation – a time when you are re-discovering your Selves, your True Selves, and this is an exciting time for you. Why do you wish to spoil your fun? Little by little, enjoy what you are re-discovering about Who You Are and the world that awaits you. Be as the little child in the playground discovering for the first time what it is like to be on the merry-go-round.

There is a short video on YouTube of a toddler discovering rain for the first time. She didn’t care that she was getting wet, she loved the feel of the raindrops on her tiny face! She spread her little arms and lifted her face up to the Heavens and let herself just FEEL. There is a lesson in that for all of us Dear Ones. So much is being revealed now, we are truly in a time of REVELATION!

Are you seeing your world through new eyes? Or are you missing those tiny new revelations? Because if you are not mindful, and you are not walking in an awakened conscious state, you are missing out on what is being revealed. Notice the changes, they are there. You can look at something and not see it, just the way you can listen to something and not truly hear the message.

Each moment is precious Dear Ones, spend them with your Self.

FEEL Beloveds, FEEL! That is the Way of the Soul.

We love you! Can you FEEL it?


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