According to the thesaurus, to express means to convey, say, vent, voice, articulate, put across, extract, press out, squeeze out etc. Words are so limiting, and they do not give the true Soul meaning of what we wish to share with you here, but let’s try anyway….

The way to express love and joy is to press or push those feelings [or states of Being] out of your heart center by way of your intention. In order to FEEL Divine Love and Joy, you have to EXPRESS IT. The more you EXPRESS IT, the more you will FEEL IT, and the more LOVE and JOY-Filled your life will become. As an attract-ive being, you attract to yourself that which you’re expressing. Note here that love and joy comes from within. You will not find it anywhere else. Human love yes, you may, if you’re lucky, find in another. But human love will never fulfill you and complete you the way in which Divine Love will. It will never bring you the Joy and Happiness, Contentment and Peace that Divine Love will bring you.

This meditation will connect you with the Divine YOU within:

Sacred Heart Meditation to connect to your Higher Self

Go into your High Heart, your Sacred Heart, which is situated at the Thymus gland approximately 2 inches below your throat, and place your focus on this area. This is the Portal or Gateway to the Divine within You. To strengthen this connection, raise your awareness to your Higher Self and Soul Star chakra’s or energy centers, which are above your crown chakra. Just let your awareness reach up as high above your crown as possible, and then hold the intention of pulling down a column of pure sparkling Diamond Light, as wide as your body, in through your crown and into your heart area. See your body surrounded by rainbow prisms of Light. Already you should feel your vibration rise as a tingling sensation fills your entire body. The top of your head will be tingling also as the energy flows in through your crown chakra. If you choose, you can now send the energy down through your feet and through your Earth Star chakra into Gaia. Let it flow down into the center of the planet and feel it anchoring you there. This will strengthen your connection even more. Your feet will be tingling now as well. Then bring the light up again into your High Heart. Now you are well and truly connected above and below. Allow yourself to go deeper still and feel yourself sinking into this vortex of energy. Some of you may feel the vortex and find yourselves moving with the energy. For me that vortex moves in an anti-clockwise direction. You may or may not feel this area becoming warmer and warmer, and you may feel tingles of energy as your frequency rises. Now hold the intention of ex-pressing that feeling / vibration out from your Heart Center. First express it to your Self. You deserve it! Then express it to wherever you choose for it to go. This expression is the highest frequency of Divine love you are able to hold within your energy body, and it is powerful energy. Even now, at this stage of your transition, you are a powerful Spiritual Being!

Note: The more time you spend in your Sacred Heart in Divine Partnership with your Higher Self, the easier your transition will be.

Divine Love is the Universal Creative Force energy that can change / transform anything and /or anyone. You can express the Divine Love within you to one person or many. You can express it to places, or to situations you want to bless. You can express it to Gaia, or to ANYTHING and ANYONE that you wish to help in some way. This is a powerful meditation and exercise, and when done in partnership with your Higher Self, it is even more powerful as you are MAGNIFYING the effect.

YOU are more powerful than you realize. As long as you keep identifying with yourself as the ‘little you’ you’re seeing in the mirror daily, you will keep yourself bound to your human ego and your limitations. It may be time you realized that the part of you you’re seeing in the mirror daily is a tiny expression of Who You Are as a Whole. Begin to think and see yourself as a grounded [or earthed] Spiritual and Celestial Being.

There will come a time when you will suddenly realize that everything exists within you. Then you will know that YOU are the Universe, and the Universe you thought was ‘out there’ somewhere, has been inside you all along.

We leave you with our absolute love & our blessing and wish you a magical day!


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