Time can be navigated. You ‘re a time traveler, traveling through time, not IN time. As you transcend further into higher frequencies of consciousness, you will begin to see that you can navigate time and access time nodes, or nodules of time, which are like capsules stored at different intervals on a time line or time spiral. It is in these nodules that your different realities are experienced.

You will become aware that all of your realities, which are happening at different intervals within the time space continuum, are converging into your current reality and consciousness. You may experience strange dreams as bits of these realities begin to converge. Much of this you will not remember, as these memories are not stored within your energy body, but in the memory banks of the Akashic records for the benefit of the Collective. You are able to re-call memories and re-view or re-visit them if you so wish.

It is important to note here that the only part of a memory that remains within your consciousness and energy bogy is the negative aspect of it. By negative aspect, we mean the negative emotional charge of the memory, not the actual memory itself. This discordant energy, i.e. the negative emotional charge, is what needs to be released [let go of] and transcended in order for you to transition into a higher frequency of existence.

It is the human ego that encourages you to hold onto a memory and make it personal, but really all you are holding within your energy body is the negative [shadow] aspect of it. When this is realized it becomes easier to just let that negative emotion go. You should be able to re-visit a memory and feel no negative emotion related to that experience.

You may think you have released a negative emotion, only to find it popping up again and again. This is due to the convergence of your other realities.

Time is a human construct. Try to think outside of ‘time’. Humans have been conditioned to think in terms of ‘time’. We have been conditioned to believe that ‘time is of the essence’ and that we have so many seconds each day so we need to use them wisely etc.. All of this has conditioned us to believe that we have a ‘past, present and future’ and that each second is ‘lost’ if not used to our full benefit. It is important to remember that humans created time in order to experience their realities [lives] in a linear fashion.

Begin living in the [now] moment – in each [now] moment you are deciding what you wish to experience in the next moment. Each moment can be as long as you wish it to be.

Everything is happening in this moment of now and all of our lifetimes [or realities] are taking place right now at difference intervals or spaces within the space/time continuum. We’re experiencing one reality at a ‘time’. What is happening now as we transcend the human experience is that our realities – what we have come to think of as our past lives – are converging in order to merge into our One consciousness. You may be wondering why your ego is behaving the way it is now at this point in your transition. Why is there a part of you that is still so afraid? It is confusing because you are not aware – you are not conscious of all the parts of yourself – or expressions / aspects of yourself as your realities converge.

So give yourself a break! A big break! You have no idea what is happening behind the scenes! There is much going on at this moment within your bodies of which you are not aware, and this is to your advantage now. Don’t concern yourself with details. Concentrate now on letting go of the negative [shadow] aspects of yourself. Let your higher Self guide you and help you overcome whatever is going on within your human consciousness. Go within often – be at peace within yourself. Feel the love there within you, and know that you are loved beyond your current comprehension. Nothing else matters at this point. Place your attention and focus on this moment of NOW. How you do this is by being in your Heart space.

There are no rules remember. You’re creating them as you go along, even though these are not strictly ‘rules’, rather guidelines that you’re setting for yourself as you go along. It is in your Heart where you will find peace with all that is happening now. TRUST is a huge factor here. Let go and TRUST that whatever is happening is for your highest good.

We leave you with our absolute love and our blessing!


Un-copywrited. If you would like to share this message, you do so with our blessing. We ask only that you include the following links: https://www.archangelsanddevas.com and http://www.newparadigmreiki.com