I am sitting with my Higher Self/ Twin Flame and Divine Male Complement in meditation, and I notice the buzzing in my ears goes down an octave and his energy around me becomes almost tangible. I so value this time together, I silently make a vow to my Self to be with him more and more this way. Not only is he within me, he is also around me, cocooning and protecting me. There are no words to describe the feeling, so he tells me “Don’t think, just feel.”

The HUMAN mind needs words and descriptions, details etc. The logical human mind looks for answers, and is always seeking in one way or another. It always wants to know how, when, where etc. The Soul FEELS and ACCEPTS. In fact there are NO WORDS. You will reach a point in your transition where words will make no sense anymore because there is a HIGHER sense / meaning that cannot be conveyed with mere words. It can only BE FELT. It is a resonance of energy, or frequency that you will begin to look for. Words will fail you. Your heart-felt feelings will never fail you because they are the language of your Soul.

I read something the other day that was difficult to understand. I tried to make sense of it and asked for clarification from my Beloved, and it was then also that he told me “Instead of trying to understand what has been written, go within your Heart and feel it rather.” It worked. I received an understanding of what the words were trying to convey.

We have said before that you are deciding the pace of your transition. The incoming light energy has never been as intense as it is now, but it is up to you if you integrate the full extent of this energy or not. All energy is received by you VIA YOUR HIGHER SELF AND CONSCIOUSNESS. You will reach a stage or level in your transition where you will realize that you are IN PARTNERSHIP with your Higher Self, and to WORK with this part of your Self you need to BE IN YOUR HEART SPACE. You cannot just sit back and enjoy the ride without working together. You can, of course, but you will prolong your transition, and also make it a lot more difficult for yourself. Realize that this is not a requirement, but rather a suggestion.

Michael has been reiterating this with me for well over a year now. He has also repeatedly told me that he can help me so much more if I am in this Sacred space with him. It is only recently that I realized that the incoming light is helping him help me more. It is through my Higher Self that these frequencies are activated within me. It is my Higher Self that is helping me recalibrate my energy to these higher frequencies. The same applies to you. YOUR Higher Self is your PARTNER. In more ways than one, but you will come to realize this for yourself over time. All partnerships take some work. The difference is with this partnership YOU are already receiving 100% from your Partner, but you are deciding by the choices you make, how much of yourself you are giving.

Know this: Your Higher Self/Soul is in control of your transition, and it is you that is deciding the pace. Are you holding on or letting go? Are you willing or suppressing? Are you loving your Self more or are you still listening to that nagging little voice in your head telling you you’re not good enough? Are you still riding the waves of doubt and fear? Are you still living in the illusion of separation? Because if you are, then you are still living within your HUMAN consciousness and therefore your ego has you nicely within its grasp. Ask yourself this: “What would happen if I let go and TRUST my Self?” If you can’t trust yourself, then who can you trust? Remember don’t look for the answer to that question outside of yourself. Go within your Sacred heart and let yourself FEEL the answer.

Know this also: Your Soul will never fail you.

Love is FELT, it is a feeling, and a pretty magnificent feeling at that! It cannot ever be described because mere words cannot possibly do it justice.

I hope I have helped you in some way understand how important it is for you to go within now. All you need is waiting there for you, right now, in this moment. Once you have felt this love, and allowed yourself to trust this love, you will realize there is nothing, absolutely NO THING you will ever need ever again. Isn’t that marvelous? Let me tell you….. This Love is a GIFT, and it is YOURS, and it is your Birthright. Compliments of your Supreme Creator.

BE in Love!


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